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适用于长期测量河流、湖泊、水库、坝体等堰槽的水位,是监测水位及流量变化的有效监测设备。采用磁致伸缩传感器作为液位测量,具有分辨率高、稳定性好、性能可靠、响应速度快、线性测量,位置输出,非接触式连续测量,不磨损,传感器不用标定及定期维护,输出信号为 RS485数字量,安装简单方便、工作寿命长等功能,同步测量埋设点的温度。
公司简介 山东风途物联网科技有限公司作为专业研发生产销售微型气象仪的企业,一直致力于微型气象仪和气象环境解决方案推广应用。具有完整的生产链、实力雄厚的技术团队和全面的营销团队,我们研发生产的超声波风速风向仪、五要素微气象仪、六要素微气象仪和小型自动气象站等气象产品,已广泛应用到气象监测、城市环境监测、风力发电、航海船舶、航空机场、桥梁隧道等领域,客户遍布全国各地,并取得了良好的社会效益和经济效益 Shandong Fengtu Internet of Things Technology Co., Ltd., as an enterprise specializing in R&D, production and sales of micro weather instruments, has been committed to the promotion and application of micro weather instruments and meteorological environment solutions. With a complete production chain, a strong technical team and a comprehensive marketing team, we have developed and produced meteorological products such as ultrasonic anemometers, five-element micro-weather meters, six-element micro-weather meters, and small automatic weather stations, which have been widely used in Meteorological monitoring, urban environmental monitoring, wind power generation, navigation ships, aviation airports, bridges and tunnels, etc., customers all over the country, and have achieved good social and economic benefits |
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